Filipinos love to eat. As early retirees here in the Philippines, we became health conscious and very choosy when it comes to our food source. Dirk liked very much the barbeque sticks óf Monterey and our supply of meat and chicken came from them. They even deliver our order right in front of our doorstep. Truly, Monterey meat products are part of everyday Filipino life. With its "farm to market" concept, the Filipino consumer is assured of quality meats for every meal.
Filipinos love to eat. As early retirees here in the Philippines, we became health conscious and very choosy when it comes to our food source. Dirk liked very much the barbeque sticks óf Monterey and our supply of meat and chicken came from them. They even deliver our order right in front of our doorstep. Truly, Monterey meat products are part of everyday Filipino life. With its "farm to market" concept, the Filipino consumer is assured of quality meats for every meal.
At the end of this video, Bachmann says the role of Frank Vennes (who has not been charged) in the Petters Ponzi scheme has not been fully explained... that remains true to this day:
We spend our sunday celebrating Buddy's 20th birthday at Grace&Rose Restaurant. My grandkids also take advantage of their last day of vacation here at Southforbes by swimming at the clubhouse pool together with other kids. We also watched DVD's and sunday programs in television. The kids then played and walked around our three beautiful shihtzu's.
They also played volleyball with their Uncle Dirk later in the afternoon.
We spend our sunday celebrating Buddy's 20th birthday at Grace&Rose Restaurant. My grandkids also take advantage of their last day of vacation here at Southforbes by swimming at the clubhouse pool together with other kids. We also watched DVD's and sunday programs in television. The kids then played and walked around our three beautiful shihtzu's.
They also played volleyball with their Uncle Dirk later in the afternoon.
Today we attended a Bloom party at Plaza Regina in Paseo de Santa Rosa. An open-air event was held to present the new stores along Paseo 4. In the forefront was a Japanese Ryuma store which dominated the whole second floor with their ramen, grill & restaurant, grocery and branded toys and clothing for children Paseo de sta. rosa had gone a long way to expand and build a bigger place to shop, dine, party and have fun in the middle of the suburban area. The bloom party was also an opportunity for car dealers to showcase their new cars.
There's also live music and a short program
We're lucky in the choice of our retirement home, its near manila, the nature, airports and the presence of low to high end stores.
Today we attended a Bloom party at Plaza Regina in Paseo de Santa Rosa. An open-air event was held to present the new stores along Paseo 4. In the forefront was a Japanese Ryuma store which dominated the whole second floor with their ramen, grill & restaurant, grocery and branded toys and clothing for children Paseo de sta. rosa had gone a long way to expand and build a bigger place to shop, dine, party and have fun in the middle of the suburban area. The bloom party was also an opportunity for car dealers to showcase their new cars.
There's also live music and a short program
We're lucky in the choice of our retirement home, its near manila, the nature, airports and the presence of low to high end stores.
Excerpts from Bradlee Dean's May 22nd radio show broadcast from the Heritage Foundation.
Bradlee Dean's sidekick Jake McMillian:
"We have countries all over the world that are standing for what's right and what's wrong. In Rwanda, there's legislation right now that repeat offenders of homosexuality will spend their life in prison."
Bradlee Dean agrees and goes on to say sodomy laws protect gays who he says are committing "slow suicide"
Is this what the Heritage Foundation stands for?
Does Tony Sutton, Michael Brodkorb, Michele Bachmann, Tom Emmer and the rest of the MN GOP leadership believe gays should be arrested and sentenced to life in jail?
Earlier this week, Republican Tom Emmer’s campaign contacted the state Campaign Finance Board about a possible campaign violation involving a donation to the controversial ministry You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International.
A mistake with a $250 donation is one thing, but the extreme and hateful rhetoric coming out of You Can Run International frontman Bradlee Dean is much more troubling for Tom Emmer.
On May 15th, Dean took to the airwaves to say that extreme efforts by Muslims in other countries to execute people based on sexual orientation made them “more moral than even American Christians.”
While he was trying to distance himself from the extreme views of You Can Run International, Tom Emmer even called YCRI “nice people.”
Hateful, violence-condoning rhetoric has no place in Minnesota, and it does not deserve any defense by people running for public office. Discrimination and violence towards our family, friends, and neighbors in the LGBT community is far too real to allow this to go any further.
Sign our petition below demanding Tom Emmer denounce this hateful organization, and take back any money that he may have given them and donate an equal amount to the Matthew Shepard Foundation, an organization that speaks out against hate.
Some great news from Africa yesterday. The president of Malawi Bingu Wa Mutharaki pardoned to gay couple previously sentenced to 14 years in jail after talks with UN leader Ban Ki-moon. He still thought they did something that was a crime against the country’s culture religion and law but out of humanity pardoned them even though he does not agree with what they did. Seems like the foreign pressure did help.
California Senator Roy Ashburn, who recently was outed as gay admitted in an interview that during his career he voted against gay issues out of fear his secret would be revealed. He said with it he denied gays basic rights and was ashamed of it. Another reason closeted politicians need to be outed.
A survey in the U.K showed that 61% of gay men are afraid to show affection in public. They are hesitant to kiss/hold hands ,only 6% of straight couples feel the same. Pretty bad, wonder what that is in the U.S. I never hold hands with my boyfriend in public but do kiss upon seeing him. Not slobbery, just a hello kiss and that should be fine.
A Minnesota christian ministry, tied to tea-bagger favorite, the horrible Michelle Bachman, praised the Muslims for their call to execute gays in the U.S on a radio show. The host Bradlee Dean goes on about gays being predators, destroying lives and God raising an enemy for the U.S to kill the gays. Such loving people.
Reporters need to ask Bachmann about Bradlee Dean.
It's been a rough couple of weeks and a lot of changes are happening. Two of my best friends are leaving New York this week, one for good, summer is here and I am not bikini ready, and I am overwhelmed with interviewing and that whole I don't have a job issue. I have to admit that although I can stress out and drama it up a bit, I am very good at finding solutions to my problems. Which lead me to here: Barneys. I told the man who allowed me to try on the Alexander Wang Anouk Beatle Boot that the second I stepped in that subway, I knew I was in trouble. Trouble, heaven, whatever you want to call it, the boots ended up coming home with me. It's been quite some time since I have bought full priced shoes, which proves just how disappointed I would have been had they not become the latest addition to my closet. So there ya go. I got the shoes, and although they did not 'solve' my problem, I can now put my best foot forward (yup, I went there..) and begin this new stage of my life.
Will she vote for a final bill that includes DADT repeal, or will she vote against the troops? Where is the "tip of the spear" on the "earthquake issue" of homosexuality?
My youngest sister's family enjoyed their two-day stayed with us. We did go to Nasugbu, Batangas and enjoyed the sun, sea and the blue skies. We have a pampering mode on the second day and the kids funny games in the evening. The marks on their faces are the number of penalties they received on the game.
My youngest sister's family enjoyed their two-day stayed with us. We did go to Nasugbu, Batangas and enjoyed the sun, sea and the blue skies. We have a pampering mode on the second day and the kids funny games in the evening. The marks on their faces are the number of penalties they received on the game.
U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann’s attempt to inject sectarian bias into the U.S. military has been shot down, at least for now.
Bachmann, a Minnesota Republican and Religious Right favorite, wanted to add language to the 2011 National Defense Authorization Act giving military chaplains the right to push their personal beliefs at events where personnel from many faiths (and none) are present. The amendment to H.R. 5136 would have allowed chaplains to conclude prayers at non-religious events “according to the dictates of the Chaplain’s conscience.”
Bachmann’s proposal may not sound all that nefarious, but it is. Military chaplains, of course, are already allowed to offer sectarian prayers at sectarian worship services. A Christian chaplain presiding at a Christian gathering is likely to close a prayer “in Jesus’ name.” A Muslim chaplain at a Muslim service is going to offer prayers that reflect the teachings of Islam.
But chaplains are employees of the government, and they serve a diverse constituency, not just members of their own tradition. They are sometimes asked to offer invocations at military events where personnel from many faiths are present. At those, nonsectarian prayers may be requested.
Religious Right forces are up in arms about this attempt at inclusivity, insisting that fundamentalist chaplains should have the right to slip a little not-so-subtle proselytizing into their invocations and benedictions. It’s one part of a deeply disturbing crusade to target service personnel for fundamentalist proselytizing and cast a conservative Christian mantle over our armed forces.
Fortunately, Bachmann’s maneuver was thwarted by Americans United reconnaissance.