Monday, May 3, 2010

More Non-Work Activity in California by Michele Bachmann

Minn Post:

Michele Bachmann plans West Coast speaking swing

By Joe Kimball | Published Mon, May 3 2010 11:55 am

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann continues to broaden her national exposure this month with appearances in Southern California to discuss "How to Take Back America."

On May 14, she'll speak at a luncheon in Irvine, Calif., followed by an evening reception in San Diego and an afternoon reception May 15 at a private home near Palm Springs.

There's mention of a fourth appearance, but it isn't listed yet on the online registration page.

Some commenters here have noted that it's perhaps better that Michele Bachmann misses many committee votes, and votes on the floor. When she is present, she doesn't contribute to the debate in any positive way.

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