Monday, May 3, 2010

Tarryl Clark's Press Release on Michele Bachmann's Upcoming California Tea-Bagger Speaking Tour

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Andrea Mokros

May 3, 2010

The Bachmann Agenda: Bachmann "rocks" California, but represents who?!

Michele Bachmann is grabbing headlines for all the wrong reasons again, this time with the announcement that she will make yet another campaign tour of California next week. Details can be found at or at

Tarryl Clark's campaign spokesperson, Andrea Mokros, issued the following statement:

"Congresswoman Bachmann is once again taking her personal agenda on the road, making yet another trip to the West Coast - this time for a Tea Party-backed tour dubbed 'Bachmann Rocks CA.' It begs the question, since she's so rarely seen in her own district: who does Michele Bachmann think she represents? Instead of pursuing rock star status at fundraisers and tea party rallies around the country, she should be pursuing results for the 6th District - a district with the state's highest unemployment and foreclosure rates. Yet by her own admission, she's failed to pass any substantive legislation in nearly four years. California can keep Michele Bachmann and her failed leadership. The 6th District deserves a leader with a record of results, and that's Tarryl Clark."

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