Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bachmann Dumps CO GOP Candidate For Crazy Tom Tancredo

Tancredo's Facebook:

GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO—Congresswoman Michele Bachmann today endorsed conservative independent Tom Tancredo for Governor of Colorado.

“This election is too important for partisanship to trump principle,” said Congresswoman Bachmann. "Tom Tancredo is the clear conservative choice, and that's why I support him, and you should too!"

The Denver Post reported in July about on the mess for the CO GOP Tom Tancredo caused:

Leaders of 21 state Tea Party groups, representing about 10,000 people, said Sunday they have been betrayed by Tom Tancredo and in an open letter beseeched the former congressman not to run for governor as a third-party candidate.

Now the Tea Partiers are mad at the GOP-endorsed candidate:

In the wake of a scandal about Maes' embellished tale of working undercover as a police officer in Kansas, former Sen. Hank Brown withdrew his endorsement. But the bigger blow to Maes -- never a party favorite -- is that tea party members have started abandoning the candidate they once backed, and are joining the increasingly loud chorus of voices calling on him to drop out.

Tom Tancredo is a fellow traveller on the hate-gays, hate-muslims crazy bus:

During a 2005 radio interview on Orlando talk-radio station WFLA AM 540, Tancredo responded to a questioner asking about the hypothetical U.S. response to a nuclear attack on U.S. cities by al-Qaeda, by saying that one possible response would be to retaliate by “taking out” Muslim holy sites (specifically, Mecca) if it were clearly proven that Islamic terrorists were behind such an attack. Several days later, in an interview on CNN together with James Zogby, Tancredo said that the attack was mentioned merely as a hypothetical response and insisted that there was nothing for which he should apologize.

End-timer Bachmann would not hesitate to nuke the planet to dust and ashes if the voices in her head told so - this is Bachmann talking about how she would use the "nuclear option" from 2006:

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