Friday, October 29, 2010

Tarryl Clark: 2/3 of Bachmann's Volunteers Will Be From Outside Minnesota

From an email from the Tarryl Clark campaign:

My opponent, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, is formidable. She has spent more money than anyone has ever spent in a race for Congress, and she's spent it all on dozens of negative TV and radio ads and vicious campaign mailings. If there's a reason she thinks people ought to vote her in for a third term, she certainly hasn't given it - and we can't find one either.

Now, realizing too late that she's being out-organized on the ground, Michele Bachmann is asking people from other states to fly to the 6th District to help her get out the vote. A recent analysis showed that more than 2/3 of her money is coming from out of state - now it seems 2/3 of her volunteers will, too.

Listen to Bachmann plead for out-of-state volunteers on Mark Levin's show.

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