Monday, October 18, 2010

Chilling - Bachmann-Endorsed Senate Candidate "Arrests" Reporter

Bachmann parrots the Tea Party talking points about freedom, liberty, rights etc... does she have anything to say about the unlawful "arrest" and detention for "trespassing" of reporter on public property, at a public event by the private security goons hired by a candidate Bachmann has endorsed?

The Washington Monthly's Steve Benen:

In 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama mentioned the idea of having a civilian reserve corps that could handle postwar reconstruction efforts such as rebuilding infrastructure. A Republican member of Congress, Georgia's Paul Broun, said the idea, which had been endorsed by the Bush administration, is the equivalent of "what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did. When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist." Glenn Beck and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) still talk about this to make the case that the president is some kind of fascist.

The hysterical right-wing line was, of course, insane. But yet, yesterday, a major-party candidate, who refuses to answer questions about his professional background, was asked by a reporter about allegations of professional misconduct. For his trouble, the reporter was put in handcuffs by a private security team, which also tried to restrict the freedom of the press -- on public property, at a public event -- for other journalists in attendance.


If a Democrat had done this, I suspect it would not only be the biggest political story in the country, there'd be an expectation that Dems everywhere would denounce these "thuggish, Gestapo-like tactics." Glenn Beck would be crying this afternoon, weeping uncontrollably at the thought of what has become of America and our freedoms.

Read the Benen's account of the chilling incident and take a look at this picture to get an idea of what America would look like under Tea Party rule.

Reporters need to ask Bachmann whether she she approves of the way Miller's hired goons treat reporters. Here's a video Bachmann endorsing Joe Miller:

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