When the story broke about Obama's relationship with Rev. Jeremiah Wright -- his pastor for 20 years, a "black-power" radical and a fan of Fidel Castro -- we raised our eyebrows. We did the same when we heard of Obama's longtime connection to Bill Ayers, an unrepentant former Weather Underground terrorist.
The media's eyebrows barely twitched when Dump Bachmann and others exposed the radical agenda of Michele Bachmann's favorite punk preacher Bradlee Dean and his nasty "ministry". Bradlee Dean, you may recall said it was "more moral" to kill homosexuals. Bradlee Dean frequently calls gays "criminals" and calls for the prosecution of "crimes against nature".
Bradlee Dean is a total nutjob who has claimed that he is followed by helicopters, uses deception to gain access to public schools to harass and abuse students, his AM 1250 The Patriot Sons of Libery radio show called President Obama a "domestic enemy", called a recent U.S. Marshal appointment illegal because she is a lesbian. Dean is a stalwart supporter of Tom Petters and has compared Tom Petters to Jesus.
Bradlee Dean's ministry of hate has not only managed to aquire influential pals like Michele Bachmann and Tom Emmer.. it has made a lot of money.
Taking a look at these screenshots from the #990 forms You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International starting with 2008 (click to make them bigger). The form states the ministry took in $385,703 in gross receipts with total program service expenses of $241, 394.
Bradlee Smith is apparently Bradlee Dean and the form says he made $27.433.58. His sidekick Jake made $21,522.

The next year - 2009, the ministry did a lot better with gross receipts totaling $1, 015,605:

Bradlee Dean's (Bradley Dean Smith's) reportable compensation jumped to $51,303 with "other compensation" - apparently a housing allowance totaling $45,887. Jake also got a pay raise.

Where did they get the money? The form says the "street teams" collected $444,126:

Here's some screenshots of YCRBYCH's expenses:

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