Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Emmer Taking Heat for His Close Ties to Bradlee Dean - What About Bachmann?

Cyndy Brucato writes about Michael Brodkorb attempting to mollify Log Cabin Republicans over Tom Emmer's close ties to gay-hating Bradlee Dean ( see earlier post about Bradlee Dean's ministry's very interesting financial statement). Why didn't Tom Emmer go and apologize in person for having anything to do with Bradlee Dean?

But Tom Emmer isn't the only GOP polico who has been appeared on Bradlee Dean's show - here's a list from Bradlee Dean's own Sons of Liberty website (links to audio and other stuff):

TX Congressman Ron Paul
MN Governor Tim Pawlenty
Michele Bachmann
Julie Quist/Allen Quist;
Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli
MN District 4 Candidate Theresa Collett
Mayor Tom Dahlberg
Mary Kiffmeyer
Mitch Berg – Northern Alliance Radio Network
Representative Dan Severson – Candidate for Secretary of State in MN

Bachmann raised money for Bradlee Dean and can be heard in this recording praying for Bradlee Dean's ministry of hate. Bachmann is in Bradlee Dean's new movie - when will the media ask Bachmann about her close ties to hate-talker Bradlee Dean?

Michele BAchmann,Bradlee Dean

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