Monday, October 18, 2010

Michele Bachmann's Last Supper

Michele Bachmann gives a very interesting interview to Worldnet Daily:

Q. If, with a snap of your fingers, you could change anything about America, what would it be?

A. Reduce the federal government to its original size and constitutional limitations and to restore the 9th and 10th amendments.

Q. If you could sit down to dinner with any eight people who ever lived, and they could all, for this one occasion, speak English, who would be on your guest list?

A. Jesus; George Washington; Adam, the first man; the apostle Paul; Johann Sebastian Bach; Ann Coulter; Ronald Reagan; and Mark Levin. It would be a very interesting combination!

Q. For that gathering, I’d be willing to bartend for free.

Then there's this piece of nonsense from the interview:

Q. How do you want people to think of you?

A. Despite my sense of humor, I am serious about my work. I take my job and the needs of my constituents seriously. I love the people of my district, and I work hard on their behalf to ensure that freedom continues not only for them but also future generations. I am extremely worried as to the direction this nation is headed, so I fight every day for political, personal, and economic freedom. I also want to be known as a woman of faith.

This won her Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in the World" award for today.

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