Thursday, October 21, 2010


Yesterday, a bird pooped on my head. Yup, you heard me. I was running my usual errands to the factory, paper store, leather store, etc, and a bird decided to ruin my entire day. Some say that this is good luck, but I never believed it until I came home and saw that I was in the Times. Okay, so I'm not actually in the New York Times- yet, but I did make it onto their street style blog, which, I'm sorry, is still so damn cool. They stopped me a few weeks ago so I knew it was coming, but what I didn't know is that they would advertise my extremely sexy (raspy) voice to the world and play a montage of my overzealous facial expressions. But hey, it's all in good fun and they got a great shot of the bag, so no complaints from me! Enjoy!

East Village Street Style from Sally L on Vimeo.

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