Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bradlee Dean's Ministry of Hate Scrubs "Street Team" Video From You Tube

Yesterday, we had a post about the phenomenal fundraising success of You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International, fronted by radio hate-talker and Bachmann pal Bradlee Dean (Bradley Dean Smith) which reported a whopping increase in revenue in one year from $385,703 to $1,015,605.

According to YCRBYCH's 2009 #990 much of that fundraising success is due to YCRBYCH's amazing "street teams". The street teams hauled in a whopping $444,126! See a Craig's List job description for the YCRBYCH street team we posted on Dump Bachmann last June:

Now, if you round that number off to $444K, it gets kind of interesting... the number 444 apparently has a special significance for some numerology aficionados. Just a coincidence, I'm sure...

YCRBYCH's 990 says the following about their incredible street teams:

"The ministry's street teams share the gospel 6 days a week throughout the year... the street teams accept donations from the general public."

Let's do some math - 6 days a week for 52 weeks = 312 days a year. Divide $444K by 312 and that equals $1,423 a day - WOW!

This video showing a street team at work has recently been removed from You Tube... is YCRBYCH trying to hide the amazing fundraising techniques of their street teams?

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