Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Bachmann Snubbed the Strib - An Object Lesson

Candidate for the 6th CD Aubrey Immelman left this comment on our post about the Star Tribune's endorsement of Tarryl Clark:

"The Editorial Board didn't get a chance ask Bachmann, who declined repeated requests for a meeting."

That's just the tip of the iceberg. I'm outraged -- and so should every Bachmann constituent be -- about the way she disrupts everyone's best-made plans and gives them the runaround.

I committed to the editorial board's group meeting with the four candidates (of which I'm one, for those who don't know). I had to juggle my full-time job schedule for the trip down to Minneapolis for the interview -- even though I didn't expect an endorsement -- only to be notified hours before the meeting that it was off (on account of Bachmann's cat-and-mouse games with the editorial board).

In the end, I was denied the opportunity to meet with the Strib's editorial board, due to the havoc wreaked by Bachmann.

Moreover, Bachmann's antics put the Strib in a situation where they had to apologize to me. From the Strib's scheduler:

"Just a note to let you know that I am having a very difficult time scheduling all CD6 candidates at the same time. ... Which brings me to ask, will you feel slighted if we cannot speak with you in person? I do so apologize for this."

Aubrey Immelman kindly sent us emails (names and addresses redacted) to create a timeline showing how long Bachmann stalled the Star Tribune at the inconvenience of other candidates.

The Star Tribune sent an email invitation to Aubrey Immelman on September 7th:

Dear Mr. Immelman,

Thank you for stepping forward to seek public office. We look forward to a spirited, issues-oriented campaign that will help voters make their choices in November.

The Star Tribune Editorial Board is following selected contests, and will recommend a slate of candidates to the newspaper’s readers in the days before the November 2 election.

To better inform ourselves about your candidacy and the issues in your race, we are inviting all candidates for Minnesota Congressional District 6 to participate in a group discussion at the Star Tribune on Thursday, October 7 at 4:30 p.m.

At the discussion, we will ask each candidate to present a very brief opening statement, and then submit to questioning by several members of the editorial board. There are no pre-determined questions. Please bring several copies of any campaign literature you are using to leave with us.

Please R.S.V.P. to our assistant, [REDACTED], at strib-endorsements@[REDACTED] no later than Friday, Sept. 24th. After you confirm your participation, [REDACTED] will email you a brief biographical form that we ask you to complete and return before the meeting. It will help us prepare for the discussion and we will use it to describe you to our readers.

If you are unable to join us, but would still like to be considered for endorsement by the Star Tribune, please let [REDACTED] know – we will do our best to arrange for you to be interviewed via telephone.

If you have any questions, please contact [REDACTED] at the email address given above.

Thank you in advance for your prompt response.

Immelman responded September 14th:

Thank you for the invitation. I am not seeking an endorsement; however, I am willing to participate in the group discussion at the Star Tribune on Thursday, October 7 at 4:30 p.m. for informational purposes to explain the rationale for placing my name on the ballot for the MN-06 U.S. House contest and to respond to questions by members of the editorial board.

The Strib responded the same day:

So glad you can make it. Attached is a very short bio. Please download to your computer, complete and return to me via email.

I will send a map and parking instructions a few days before the meeting. If you have any questions, just let me know.

Aubrey Immelman filled out his candidate questionnaire and sent it to the Strib.

October 5th, the Star Tribune contacted Aubrey again concerning a change in scheduling:

You did get the message that I am trying to re-schedule your group didn't you? We are still waiting on Congresswoman Bachmann. I will let you know as soon as possible about the new date and time.

The same day, Immelman replied:

No, I didn't get the message about the rescheduling. Thanks for the heads-up, which allows me to plan on attending my son's football game in Willmar Thursday afternoon. I can't speak for Bachmann, but I should mention that it's possible she will notify you through one of her communications people that she has a scheduling conflict -- she picks her media carefully and has already stood up KSTP for a televised debate -- so you may be "Waiting for Godot."

October 9th the Strib again contacted Immelman:

Hi Aubrey,

Just a note to let you know that I am having a very difficult time scheduling all CD6 candidates at the same time.

Will you feel slighted if we cannot speak with you in person? If so, I will do everything I can to try and arrange for an in-person interview for you, but it would not be with the other candidates. I do so apologize for this. Please let me know what I should do.

A few days later, Aubrey Immelmann responded:

I have no problem with being left out of the loop. My campaign is against the rise of right-wing extremism and modern fascist ideologies in the wake of 9/11, the great recession, and the election of America's first Black president; it's not focused on the 2010 election per se and I'm not seeking the Star Tribune's endorsement.

The Strib never got its interview with Michele Bachmann. With all the millions of dollars she has taken in and a paid staff to schedule an interview, Bachmann could not or more likely, would not comply with the Strib's request for an interview. Given Bachmann's long history (reported for 5 years here on of lying and running away from reporters.. how did the state's biggest newspaper allow themselves to be snubbed by Bachmann?

Sure, it was good to read at long last the Star Tribune ask if Bachmann was paranoid, but readers of Dump Bachmann learned the answer to that question years ago when Bachmann hid behind the bushes, ran screaming from a public bathroom and warned that gays were after kids.

Better late than never, I guess....

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