Monday, October 25, 2010

Dump Bachmann Trading Card #9 Katherine Kersten

From now until the election, Dump Bachmann will be presenting a series of trading cards called "Bachmann and Pals" featuring some of Bachmann's associates. Click on the trading card to make it bigger for downloading:

Bachmann clone Katherine Kersten wrote the following in her Strib column today:

When the story broke about Obama's relationship with Rev. Jeremiah Wright -- his pastor for 20 years, a "black-power" radical and a fan of Fidel Castro -- we raised our eyebrows. We did the same when we heard of Obama's longtime connection to Bill Ayers, an unrepentant former Weather Underground terrorist.

The same crap Bachmann said two years ago.

What about Emmer and Bachmann's much closer relationship to right-wing radical nutjob Bradlee Dean?

For more about Katherine Kersten, go to the Cucking Stool blog.

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