Abe Sauer at The Awl:
Dean's characterization of homosexuals as a scapegoat for America's perceived decline is a mirror image of Hitler's use of the Jews for Germany. Just as Hitler railed about Jewish conspiracies, so does Dean point to gays. Dean has said, "On average, they molest 117 people before they’re found out. How many kids have been destroyed, how many adults have been destroyed because of crimes against nature?"
Try this: "And I say to the homosexual communities, I love you enough to tell you the truth, but you better get off the kids because, America, they are after your kids." Unlike many other homophobes, Dean has gone beyond classifying gays as sinners; he repeatedly notes that gays are "criminals." Likewise, Hitler classified Jews as lawbreakers, in the beginning referring to them as the "November criminals" and later just "criminals." This manipulation of distinction made anti-semitism digestible by an otherwise reasonable, if religiously predisposed, populace. Taking action against a group based on religious theory is intellectually unjustifiable. But doing so on the basis of jurisprudence? Why, that's just a law-abiding society.
Apparently, Bradlee Dean's former pals at the MN GOP have thrown YCRBYCH under the bus:
Emmer and Bachmann will appear in the film of Dean's struggle to "fight the good fight" and "bring us back to our foundation." “I’m not trying to draw you in by the fact that there might some celebs…,” joked Dean about the film during a recent radio program, before confirming that both Tom Emmer and Michele Bachmann would appear in "My War."
Emmer, Bachmann and Pawlenty all ignored repeated requests for comment.
Sauer says Bradlee Dean is contemplating running for office.
Worth reading, read it.

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