Janet Boynes is Michele Bachmann's creepy, "ex-lesbian" sidekick.
Truth Wins Out had a post yesterday about Boynes:
As resistance in Minnesota rises against Christian Right harassment in the public schools, Exodus International activist Janet Boynes is stepping up to lead Minnesota social conservatives in a new round of struggle to defame, shame, and silence sexual-minority youth.
Her October 14 Young Adult Prayer Call is timed to thwart local and national media attention that has fallen upon school-sponsored antigay violence in the the Anoka-Hennepin School District — Minnesota’s largest school district. Under leadership and pressure from religious conservatives, Anoka-Hennepin schools stubbornly refuse to enact anti-bullying programs that specifically address and oppose antigay violence. That violence has reached endemic proportions and resulted in suicides among local youth, prompting negative reviews in the media.
Boynes’ pro-bully “Prayer Call” also occurs just as Exodus International is patting itself on the back for stepping back from the Day of Truth, an arguably less militant effort to sanctify school bullies and mobilize parents against anti-bullying programs.
Who is Janet Boynes?
Boynes’ life story is the prototypical ex-gay example of an individual who is abused as a child, who falsely equates the abuse with sexual attraction (and temporary attraction with full-blown orientation), and who then egocentrically projects her own misdiagnosed and untreated emotional disorders upon anyone who was born or predisposed as an infant to full-blown same-sex orientation.
From humble beginnings as an Exodus ex-gay activist, Janet Boynes has evolved into a veteran supporter of U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, one of America’s top theocrats. Bachmann advocates fundamentalist Biblical control of the U.S. government generally, and imprisonment or execution of homosexuals in particular.
Since 2006, Boynes and Bachmann have piggybacked their rise to fame upon one another. Just as the Pope once sold indulgences to Europe’s finest in exchange for access to power, Boynes has exploited Bachmann for political support while Bachmann has exploited Boynes for local religious support and access to conservative African-Americans. Boynes has also used the Christian Right’s “Ex-Gay Educators Caucus” to demand that the National Education Association and nation’s teachers teach discredited ex-gay myths to public-school students.
As Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays has fallen into disrepute in recent years, Boynes has sought to replace PFOX’s presence in public schools with her own.
Since last year, Boynes has periodically shared Bachmann’s soapbox with Christian rocker Bradlee Dean, another Bachmann sidekick...
Read the rest at Truth Wins Out.
Here's the gruesome threesome pictured in a display at the 2006 convention in Blaine.

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