Bachmann would rather go on national television where she hopes they won't know about her ugly, nasty, creepy history. But the stain of Bachmann's bigoted, hateful words and actions towards gays will not wash out - watch the video in the previous post.
The Clark campaign sent this out:
Tonight there will be a debate in Michele Bachmann's hometown of Stillwater. Unfortunately for her constituents, it doesn't look like she was able to find time to attend, given her busy schedule campaigning for other candidates around the country.
That left us wondering once again what a debate between Michele Bachmann and Tarryl Clark would sound like. If you're as curious as we are, check out the audio of what could happen if Bachmann debated, and then make a contribution to help us continue to take her to task for neglecting her constituents.
Bachmann refuses to attend a debate that is literally in her own backyard - just 15 minutes from her house. Her absence from the race even caught the attention of a recent newspaper editorial, which said: "Not only has Bachmann been missing in action, but critics are asking what has she done for the people in her district?"
Yesterday, Tarryl Clark's campaign manager posted this open letter to Andy Parrish:
Dear Mr. Parrish:
As you know, earlier today our campaign announced that we are organizing eight town hall meetings across the 6th District in the next three weeks, and we are extending an invitation to Congresswoman Bachmann to attend each of them.
Her attendance would allow voters their first - and in most instances, only - opportunity to hear from the Congresswoman and to compare the two major candidates' records and positions on the issues. I'm sure you'll agree that 6th District voters deserve nothing less.
Each of these forums will be open to 6th District residents to attend and just one hour in length, in order to accommodate what must be a busy Recess schedule for Congresswoman Bachmann. Our campaign is willing to secure neutral venues and handle the logistics in order to make it as easy as possible for the Congresswoman and your campaign to attend.
We will work with you on securing a forum moderator that can be agreed to by both campaigns, and will ensure that any 6th District resident who wishes to attend will have the opportunity to do so.
The communities we are inviting the Congresswoman to visit are: Woodbury, Anoka, St. Cloud, Forest Lake, Elk River, Buffalo, Circle Pines and St. Joseph.
We would also like to take this opportunity to again request Congresswoman Bachmann's presence at two debates, to be held tonight in Stillwater and Monday in Monticello, so that residents of those communities might also get a chance to hear from their Member of Congress.
Your party's candidate for governor, Tom Emmer, has participated in nearly 20 debates around the state. We hope you'll agree that it's not unreasonable to expect that Congresswoman Bachmann would participate in more than one in her district in an entire election cycle, especially during such challenging times.
Assuming Congresswoman Bachmann agrees, these town hall forums will provide her with eight additional opportunities to visit with 6th District voters and participate in an honest discussion of the issues that matter most to them. We hope you'll accept our invitation, and I look forward to working with you to secure Congresswoman Bachmann's participation in as many forums as her Recess schedule allows.
Zach Rodvold
Campaign Manager
Friends of Tarryl Clark
Bill Prendergast sent us this pic of last night's debate. Read the City Pages review of Bill's latest comic book about Bachmann.

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