Friday, October 1, 2010

Bullying Caused Teen Suicides - Bachmann Opposed to Anti-Bullying Legislation

The Daily Mail:

America's gay community is struggling to come to terms with a disturbing trend of teenage boys committing suicide after being bullied about their sexuality.

Four teenagers have taken their own lives in separate incidents during the last month alone.

On Thursday chat show host Ellen DeGeneres used her daytime programme to call for action to tackle the 'epidemic' of suicides among gay young men.

She expressed her shock at the death last week of Tyler Clementi, the 18-year-old who killed himself after his roommate allegedly recorded him having sex with another man.

DeGeneres said the recent tragedies should act as a 'wake up' call to the dangers of teenage bullying.

During the last month, three other teenagers have committed suicide following bullying from their peers.
On September 23, Asher Brown, from Houston, Texas, shot himself in the head after reportedly being bullied.
His parents said the 13-year-old's death came after he had endured constant harassment and bullying while at school.

It's not just a tragedy for the victim:

Police investigating Seth's death have said some of those who allegedly abused him 'broke down in tears' because 'they had never seen this outcome' and wished they had stopped the bullying.

Clearly, a campaign in schools to prevent bullying and save lives is a good idea... right?

Michele Bachmann says no ...

From the DB archives (2006):

Bachmann on schoolyard bullying:

i think for all us our experience in public schools is there have always been bullies, always have been, always will be.

i just don't know how we're ever going to get to point of zero tolerance and what does it mean?

I guess, several questions that was comment, one question would be
what would be our definition of bullying?

will it get to the point where we are completely stifling free speech and expression?

will it mean that what form of behavior will there be, will we be expecting boys to be girls

what is it exactly that we're asking for?

i don't say that as a sexist comment but there are just differences with boys and girls when they're on the playground, when they're in the classroom.

None of us like inappropriate behavior, none of us like sassy children, but there's just a fact of life that as we grow up, we're kind of little barbarians when we're two and our process as mothers and fathers is to civilize our children.

I just don't know how we can realistically expect a zero tolerance of bullying behavior.

Reporters need to ask Bachmann if she believes teen suicide is "just a fact of life ".

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