Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dan Severson - Bachmann Fellow Traveler, Liar and Pod Person

Bluestem Prairie took note of the audio we put up of Bradlee Dean's interview with Dan Severson and fact-checked Severson's claim that there was something fishy about the Coleman/Franken recount:

In that interview, Severson repeats his standard stump speech line that one piece of evidence of "fraud" in the Coleman-Franken recount is that ""in a normal recount like that, you see some back and forth, some give and take on that thing. That didn''t happen. And that was one of the things Ritchie orchestrated..."

Now, that piqued my memory, as I recall seeing accounts of just that across the days of the recount. I asked some friends who posted about the recount more closely on their blogs about the Severson claim. Jeff Rosenberg, now blogging regularly at MNPublius, produced the image of the graph below, which had been posted at his now-defunct blog, Twin Cities Daily Liberal.

As is clearly llustrated, the Franken-Coleman numbers went back and forth. Indeed, on the 14th day of the recount, Franken was down by more votes than when the recount began.

LIke Bachmann, Severson is a habitual liar and to buttress that statement I submit additional proof from a 2007 article in the Saint Cloud Times (via the Dump Mark Olson blog):

"[Rep. Dan] Severson and Rep. Mark Olson, R-Big Lake, called for new approaches to funding and for studying transportation alternatives, such as a system of elevated rails on which small pods travel a fixed route, known as Personal Rapid Transit."

Here's a pic of Bachmann holding a Severson sign - Bachmann and Severson, two lying peas in a pod.

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