Friday, October 8, 2010

Dennis Prager: Libruls Hate Bachmann Because she is "Good Looking"

Bachmann Bachmann skipped a debate at WCCO yesterday to appear across the street at at Orchestra Hall in
the “Reclaiming America: The Taking Back Congress Tour” fundraiser for her right-wing radio pals WWTC/Salem Broadcasting.

Dennis Prager speaking to Michele Bachmann in this You Tube clip:

You have elicited such passion and money for your opponent... you after all, one congresswoman, you shouldn't have elicited this amount of anger. But I think there is another factor which is psycological; I just have to throw this out because I haven't talked about it on the radio, so if it doesn't go over well tonight, it's just between you and me [laughter]. I actually do think that that being a female and being as good looking as you are is a major factor [applause] That your [unintelligible] and values come in such a beautiful package disturbs the leftists and liberals tremendously."

It should be noted that Bachmann apologist Ed Morrissey called this "a no-holds barred debate".

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