Monday, October 4, 2010


So tomorrow is my 25th birthday and the festivities have been going on for awhile now. I've been seeing lots of good friends and family and it's times like this that I can't believe how incredibly lucky I am. As if seeing all of the people I love isn't enough, people have actually been giving me stuff too. Lots' of stuff!! Particularly things with skulls on them! Below is a picture of some of the gifts I have received in the past 24 hours.

Do my friends know me or what?? I love love love skulls and I love that my friends know and love this about me too! Although, I do feel slightly bad for my future roommate who is going to have a ton of skulls in his kitchen cabinets, but there really are worse things in life. I can assure you this.

Coincidentally, I stumbled upon an amazing artist named James Hopkins. Check out his work on my new favorite site, Pinterest or on his website. His installation work is absolutely breathtaking and plays amazing little tricks on the mind. Below are some pictures from his Vanitas collection which is obviously my favorite one. Enjoy!


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