Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Michele Bachmann Skipped Real Debate So She Could "Debate" People She Agrees With

We posted yesterday about Bachmann skipping out the Minnesota Broadcasters Association televised debate October 7th to go to a right-wing shindig in Minneapolis.

Now, one of her right-wing buddies is covering her cowardly derriere by referring to the wingnut-woodstock as a "debate":

We’re moving The Ed Morrissey Show to the morning today, and broadcasting live to the Twin Cities on AM 1280 The Patriot starting at 8 am CT/9 am ET! I’ll be promoting the Reclaiming America: The Taking Back Congress Tour event here in Minneapolis on October 7th, which I will also be hosting. Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager, and Michele Bachmann will have a no-holds barred debate over the choices Americans have in these midterm elections at Orchestra Hall, but before that, we’ll also have a dinner with listeners who join us before. Tune in to find out how you can be part of this great event, and perhaps win a couple of tickets, too!

Holy Orwell, Batman!!!

It's not a debate when people agree with each other!

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