Friday, October 1, 2010

MPR: Bachmann Campaign " Affirmatively Responded" to Debate Requests, But Won't Name Them

MPR's Annie Baxter:

I've been trying to pin down whether there will be any debates between Republican U.S. House Rep. Michele Bachmann, DFLer Tarryl Clark, and IP candidate Bob Anderson.

So far, it seems that at least two possible debates were canceled because Bachmann didn't participate. That's not necessarily big news. The candidates get loads of debate requests. And last year, it appears that Bachmann limited her participation to two debates.

But a conversation with Bachmann's spokesman, Sergio Gor, left me pretty confused. I *think* he said she'll be doing some debates, but that message seemed to change a few times in the course of our chat.

Read the transcript at MPR.

Bachmann likes to portray herself as a fearless foe of the libruls... so why isn't Michele "Mama Grizzly" Bachmann eager to debate Tarryl Clark?

What is Bachmann afraid of?

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