Friday, October 8, 2010

Bachmann's Orchestra Hall Audience = 400 people

MPR's Annie Baxter covered Bachmann's appearance at the Reclaiming America: The Taking Back Congress Tour."

The event at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis was sponsored by the conservative radio station AM 1280 The Patriot and drew about 400 people, leaving many of the 1,500 seats on the main floor of Orchestra Hall empty.

The Patriot's operations manager Lee Michaels hinted at the sparse attendance. "I know there's nothing else going on downtown tonight," he quipped. The Twins were playing the Yankees at Target Field in the second game of the ALDS.

Bachmann's opponents in the 6th District House race, DFLer Tarryl Clark and Independence Party candidate Bob Anderson, have criticized Bachmann for participating in last night's event instead of attending a debate to which all three were invited.

A lot more people would have shown up for a debate.

Here's what it looked like at the 2006 debate in Andover:

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