Friday, October 8, 2010

Michele Bachmann Is Political Poison to Erik Paulsen's Campaign in the 3rd District

The campaign of Jim Meffert, Paulsen's DFL opponent, is pointing out that Erik Paulsen votes 93% with Michele Bachmann.


September 23, 2010

Contact: Kate Monson

Paulsen votes with Bachmann against small businesses, again

EDINA, MN – Third District U.S. House candidate Jim Meffert released the following statement this afternoon as the House passed H.R. 5297, a bill that establishes a loan fund to help small businesses get credit at local banks, cuts taxes for both large and small businesses, and boosts Small Business Administration loan programs.
In an obvious attempt to distract from and distort Congressman Paulsen’s actual record of voting against measures that support small businesses, as Paulsen was voted against the bill today his office issued a press release announcing that Paulsen had received the “Guardian of Small Business Award” from the conservative-leaning National Federation of Independent Businesses. At 12:08 CST, Paulsen voted against the bill, then at 1:38 CST Paulsen tweeted from his official account (

@Erik_Paulsen) : I’m proud to be a “Guardian of Small Business.” Thanks to all the small business owners in MN’s 3rd.”
Meffert said: “Is anyone surprised that Paulsen joined Michele Bachmann once again today in digging in their heels against getting something done for small businesses? Today a bill that could actually make a difference for small businesses that are struggling to get credit, grow, and create jobs finally passed Congress—against the wishes of the same career politicians who want small businesses to see them as their friend.
“Then, in his predictable pattern of skewing the facts, Paulsen tried to distort his actual record on business issues by trumpeting an award he got from an interest group that supports him. This is just another example of the kind of cynical political games we have come to expect from Congressman Paulsen, who is still trying to cover for his glaring lack of accomplishments over 16 years in office.

“We deserve a real voice in Congress, one that will help solve the actual problems facing businesses right now, and that is the voice I will provide for our district.”

Jim Meffert is a husband, father of three, and former President of the Minnesota PTA. Jim is running for Congress to fight for the families of Minnesota’s Third District. In Congress, Jim will make job creation priority number one, by investing in small businesses and jobs that can’t be sent overseas, health care that can’t be taken away from families, and quality schools that serve our kids and our communities. Jim will make Washington work for us again by standing up for Minnesota values. Jim is endorsed by the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, the AFL-CIO, UNITE HERE, SEIU, the Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council, Education Minnesota, the Minnesota Nurses Association, Teamsters Local 120, Teamsters DRIVE, Int’l Union of Operating Engineers Local 49, Branch 9 of the National Association of Letter Carriers, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, and local and state elected officials across the district.


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