Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bachmann Backs "Dirtbag" Lt. Governor Candidate in Louisiana

The Cajun Cobservative blog has this video:

"Hi. This is Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, asking you to vote for Roger Villere for Lt. Governor. Roger Villere is a Constitutional Conservative. He will stand up against big government. Roger Villere is pro-life. He's a member of the NRA. He's also Chairman of the Louisiana Republican Party. Conservatives like Roger Villere are winning elections all across America. So please, join me, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, in helping to elect Roger Villere as Lt. Governor of Louisiana! Thank you."

Not everyone has kind words for Roger Villere. This is from The Daily Paul:

Louisiana Tea Party shows true colors - endorses neo-con Villere

I just got a robo call today with a message on my answering machine.

Seems a group claiming to be the Louisiana Tea Party has endorsed Roger Villere for Lt. Governor here.

I guess they've either been infiltrated, or this is Villere dirty tricks.

I know some of the big player Tea Party folks in the State (or so I thought) and they would NEVER endorse this dirt bag.

He's the one who was State chair of the GOP prior to the 2008 election. He's the one who made sure they changed their rules to allow McCain delegates to qualify late for our caucuses when they saw Ron Paul had a full slate in each district. He's the one who made sure they were using old registration lists so that most RP delegates who had changed to the GOP recently, had to file provisional ballots. He's the one who had a "pro-life" slate drawn up without any overt candidate affiliation and then pledged them to John McCain after they won.

This guy is dirt and sleeze from day one. And the robo caller had the nerve to claim Villere was a small government conservative. How can someone who supported the most liberal senator second only to Ted Kennedy (John McCain) and overtly attempt to thwart the most conservative and consistently small government candidate (Ron Paul) even come within light-years of claiming a small government conservative mantel?

He can't.

Pass the word to any and all that are in or have connections to Louisiana - either the Tea Party here has been hi-jacked, or Villere is up to dirty tricks and impersonating the Tea Party.

Here's an article about the robo-call controversy, The money quote:

“I’m sorry to hear that the chairman of the party is financing these kind of attacks on a fellow Republican,” Dardenne said.

“I’m just pointing out his voting record,” Villere said in a Tuesday interview. “I’m not going after the gentleman personally.”

Villiere has some really great ideas, just like Bachmann:

Villere has adopted one of the tea party members’ most popular planks: abolishing state income taxes. It’s an idea Dardenne said would not be prudent without much preparation to cover the cost of government services, such as paying teachers and police officers.


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