Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Michele Bachmann Compared Herself to Queen Esther in 2004

The internets are abuzz about the Vanity Fair article about Sarah Palin that mentions a fundy preacher's email that compared Palin to the Bible's Queen Esther:

On the night of the vice-presidential debate with Joe Biden, Palin received an e-mail marked “URGENT … Urgent for Sarah to read … ” The e-mail came from pastor Lou Engle, a prominent right-wing activist who identifies himself as a prayer warrior and is a central figure in dominionist theology. (Dominionists believe that, until Jesus Christ returns to earth, society should be governed exclusively by God’s law as revealed through a literal reading of Scripture.) In the e-mail, Engle compared Palin to the biblical Queen Esther. “This is an Esther moment in your life,” he wrote. “Esther hid her identity until Mordecai challenged her to risk everything for such a time as this. Your identity is ‘Sarah Barracuda.’ Esther removed corruption from the Persian government and Haman fell. She didn’t have experience, she had grace and favor. Sarah, don’t hide your identity tonight.”

From a Dump Bachmann post in 2007:

In a speech to Edwatch a while back Bachmann made the following remark about her efforts to pass the Marriage Amendment, helping to elect George Bush in 2004:

"I just cannot help but think of the Book of Esther... with Hamen who built a device to hang the powerful Jewish ruler and then to exterminate all the Jews and Queen Esther decided that she would stand, that she would jump out ahead of that curve-ball and save her people"

Michele as Esther, Marcus as Mordecai... and the King?

Well, Bush can't be the King anymore, Bachmann has a new campaign ad kissing off Bush... the same Bush Bachmann kissed at the State of the Union in 2007.

Maybe the new King is the "stunning" Rep. Steve King?

Reporters should ask Bachmann if she still thinks she is a present-day Queen Esther.

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