Monday, September 20, 2010

It's Farm Subsidy Time for Michele Bachmann!

From the Bachmann campaign:

Bachmann Accepts the Minnesota Farm Bureau's
“Friend of the Year" Award
(Washington, DC) Today, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) accepted the “Friend of the Year" Award from the Minnesota Farm Bureau.

Bachmann was presented the award in the presence of several young farmers and ranchers from Minnesota and said, “I’m honored to be considered a Friend of the Year by the Minnesota Farm Bureau. Surrounded by young farmers, I recognize how important it is that these generations continue to have a voice in Congress for their industry. I’m thankful to the Minnesota Farm Bureau for this recognition and will continue to work with the farming and agriculture communities to ensure that families can continue to pass on their heritage of farming to each generation.”

Michele Bachmann won the award for being such a staunch supporter of farm subsidies, considering she has collected over a quarter million of them.

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