On September 13, 2010, Fred Fuhldang says:
All this survey shows is that push polling can be effective. If you tailor a loaded question in the right way, you can get people to say whatever you want. Take it with a grain of salt.
On September 13, 2010, Paul Brandon says:
'Likely voters' for who?
On September 13, 2010, David Galitz says:
I'm not sure how Mr. Pritchard comes to the conclusion that "the majority of the electorate supports traditional marriage in Minnesota." Certainly not from these poll numbers. A plurality of those that they polled will (or say they will)vote for candidates that have explicitly supported marriage equality.
This is neither "...a very powerful demonstration of voters’ determination to defend traditional marriage." nor that "...people feel strongly about marriage and any attempt to redefine marriage while bypassing a vote of the people will be met with electoral consequences.”
On September 14, 2010, Michael Zalar says:
Checking up on the poll, I find it was conducted by "Lawrence Research" of Santa Ana, CA. It doesn't seem to be much of a company, according to a company profile on Manta
"Lawrence Research is a private company categorized under Market Analysis, Business, and Economic Research and located in Santa Ana, CA. Our records show it was established in 1986 and incorporated in California. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of unknown and employs a staff of approximately 1 to 4."
I could not find a direct link to the company, the links from several other sites (including Manta) were dead.
Another site notes that Lawrnece Reasearch supported Californias Prop 8 to ban gay marriage:
"Lawrence Research gave: $5,000 on 7/24/08
Lawrence Research is a full-service research firm specializing in public affairs issues and marketing. Owned by Gary Lawrence, the company offers a full line of research services, including telephone surveys, focus groups, video dial tests and specialty group research. Lawrence and former partner Dick Wirthlin got their start working for Ronald Reagan. He currently serves as the Area Grass Roots Coordinator of the Church of Latter Day Saints–Yes on 8 campaign. Lawrence is also writing a book “How Americans View Mormonism; Seven Steps to Improve Our Image.” Check out his writings here.
Another site lists the contributions by Lawrence Research as $25,000.00.
It seems the pollster may have been a bit biased.
If the "Earthquake Issue" was such a great issue for Michele Bachmann and Tom Emmer, they'd be bringing up the issue in the mainstream media. Instead both of them are bravely running away from this issue.
NOM gets very defensive about being called bigots. But when signs like these are prevalent at the so-called "Defend Traditional Marriage" rallies, what else can you call it?

Signs carried by participants in the 2004 Bachmann amendment rally in Minnesota.
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