Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bachmann Calls Ron Schara a Liar, but Uses Schara's Picture

E. Nelson at Op Ed News:

Recent weeks have found Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann in a war of words with Minnesota Bound host Ron Schara. The topic of debate revolves around how each one remembers the Minnesota Game Fair of 2008. According to Schara, a Minnesota sportsman of almost legendary fame, Bachmann displayed support for the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment not only in an interview with Schara, but by wearing a pin as well. According to Bachmann, Schara is lying. She never was, and never will be in favor of using sales tax to support environmental causes and wildlife conservation that benefits hunters.

So, if Bachmann says Ron Schara is a liar, why does Bachmann have this photo up on her campaign Flickr site?

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