Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bradlee Dean Movie "My War" to Include Michele Bachmann & Tom Emmer

In these two clips, Bradlee Dean talks about Target , Tom Emmer, Michele Bachmann and Rachel Maddow.


More info about Bradlee Dean's movie here.

Comment from reader C.M.:

O.K., it's official. Heck has frozen over. I agree with Bradlee Dean.

Mr. Dean constantly says that gay people are criminals. Now stop me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Minnesota have laws against "sodomy"? Therefore Bradlee is technically correct. Practicing homosexuals in Minnesota are breaking the law.

Of course the law is unconstitutional, but it's still on the books because legislators are too gutless to repeal the law(s) even though they are unconstitutional.

I believe in the rule of law. Nothing sticks in my craw more than unconstitutional laws that are not enforced. If the law is wrong and is therefore not enforced, it makes a mockery of the whole idea of lawmaking.

If the problem is gutless officials, the solution is forcing the law to be addressed. Let's take the most conservative figures and say that Minnesota has about 150,000 gay people. They should all turn themselves in and demand that the law be enforced. Faced with 150,000 charges that would have to go to trial, combined with the fact that the law is unconstitutional, would mean the court system would be so swamped that legislators would be forced to deal with the situation. Even the most gutless politician would have to push to repeal the law.

I've heard that there is going to be a Pride event in the rainbow-hued 6th District. Have Bradlee and Jake go out and perform a citizen's arrest on everybody there. Get them to demand that the police do their duty and bust everyone. Bradlee and Jake could be responsible for showing everyone that the anti-sodomy laws should either be enforced or repealed. The stupid law(s) would be repealed within hours.

I'm sure that Mr. Dean will be the first to agree that all gay people should be arrested. I'm also sure that many would get a good chuckle out of Mr. Dean being responsible for the repeal of Minnesota's sodomy laws.

Comment from Karl:

When will the MSM start asking Tom Emmer how he got to be Bradlee "Kill the Homos" Dean's best friend? Seriously--how much longer can they ignore Emmer's connection to these creeps?

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