Saturday, September 18, 2010

Like Michele Bachmann, Christine O'Donnell is Big Supporter of "Pray-Away-The-Gay" Quack "Therapy"

Reporters need to question Bachmann about her endorsement of phony ex-gay ministries. According to the City Pages, her husband Marcus Bachmann endorses ex-gay ministries. Michele and Marcus run a faith-healing clinic that has received thousands in government funding.

Wayne Besen was on Rachel Maddow's show describing the fraudulent ex-gay quacks:

We discussed Delaware’s bizarre and extreme GOP Senate nominee, Christine O’Donnell and her deep roots in the so-called “ex-gay” industry. As the director of The Savior’s Alliance for Lifting the Truth (SALT), she had an ex-gay program led by Wade Richards. He came out of the closet and O’Donnell, like a loving Christian, abandoned him, showing that she is cruel, unforgiving and mean-spirited.


Here's Marcus & Michele Bachmann talking about their clinic:

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