Saturday, September 18, 2010

Michele Bachmann Spokesperson Sergio Gor Contradicts Purseholder and Bachmann Campaign Advisor Andy Parrish

From the Strib (last updated 8:30 PM, September 17, 2010):

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann ended a brief flirtation with presidential politics on Friday by removing her name from the 2012 presidential straw poll at this weekend's Values Voter Summit.

The decision came amid attacks from her Democratic challenger, state Sen. Tarryl Clark, who accused Bachmann of pursuing national ambitions and turning her back on the Sixth Congressional District that she's represented for two terms.

Bachmann's spokesman, Sergio Gor, said Bachmann's name was taken off the ballot because "she's running to represent the Sixth District. That's her No. 1 focus right now, her No. 1 goal. She's not running for president."

Bachmann and Gov. Tim Pawlenty were included in the poll along with more than a dozen other top GOP figures. But Pawlenty, who is wrapping up a trade mission in Asia, withdrew his name earlier this week, and Bachmann had her name taken off the list by Thursday evening.

Their withdrawals averted what would have been an awkward showdown between the two leading Minnesota Republicans with national profiles. Only Pawlenty, however, is gearing up openly for a potential run in 2012.

Clark's campaign sent out a fundraising e-mail Friday morning soliciting donations off Bachmann's summit appearance. The e-mail declared: "Michele Bachmann is considering running for president."

Gor said the decision to remove Bachmann from the straw poll was made before Clark's e-mail was sent, though the e-mail went out before it was publicly known Bachmann wasn't on the ballot.

But Michele Bachmann campaign staffer Andy Parrish claims on the Bachmann campaign website:

She [Tarryl Clark] falsely claimed Congresswoman Bachmann appeared on a presidential preference ballot at the Values Voters Summit.

So who is telling the truth? Andy Parrish or Sergio Gor? Or will the Michele Bachmann people claim that Strib Washington Bureau reporter, is lying?


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