Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bachmann's Pal Bradlee Dean Claims Local Police, FBI, DOJ Covering Up Crimes Against Children Including Jacob Wetterling Kidnapping

Michele Bachmann's favorite punk preacher and AM 1280 "The Patriot" radio personality Bradlee Dean devoted nearly his entire show this weekend to attacking the DOJ, the FBI and local law enforcement officials for not doing enough to protect children from sex predators. He even suggested law enforcement officials were covering up crimes.

Bradlee Dean starts off by interviewing Dr. Judith Reisman (read "Her Kinsey Obsession" by Max Blumenthal). Dr. Reisman makes the claim that the Department of Justice is "asleep at the switch at best" when it comes to child sex abuse investigations. Bradlee Dean then says the following:

We also know that this administration has no interest in persecuting... I'm sorry prosecuting those that are actually committing the crimes of being caught with child pornography.

Reisman agrees and Bradlee Dean' sidekick Jake asks, "Is that because it is related Judith to the same gay rights issue right now or the same sex marriage issue? Do you think these two kind of work together and that's why people have been so soft on them?" Reisman responds that the issues are "absolutely related". Reisman goes on to say there is a cover-up on sex crimes statistics that includes the media. She also claims pornography makes males impotent and that pornography alters the brains of children "structurally". Reitman also says we should be concerned that pornography would weaken men so they could not resist "a muslim takeover of America".

Later, Bradlee Dean tells Reitman he has discovered "a local cover-up" by police in Minnesota and elsewhere about "the sacrifice of children". Reisman agrees and says she knows of cases of police covering up of "child ritual sacrifice kind of things" and goes on to blame the gays. Listen:

Bradlee Dean goes on to say "forces behind this government are stealing children". Bradlee Dean asks "Where's the Star Tribune at?" Bradlee Dean interviews Bob Guimond, grandfather of Joshua Guimond who disappeared from St. John's University in Collegeville, Minnesota in 2002. Bradlee Dean makes this comment :

I'm sure you are aware of the Jacob Wetterling case. Now, isn't there also some new data out by a young man called Paul Bonacci that knew all about Jacob Wetterling's abduction and that was basically tucked under the rug as well?... There are people who know what happened but, again it's being swept under the rug. It's always being thrown out to the people; 'what happened to him, what happened to him?' In fact they know what happened to him.

Bradlee Dean is referring to Paul Bonnaci - read about him here.


Bradlee Dean is a liar. If he had checked the MN FBI's website he would have seen this press release:

Fridley Man Sentenced for Distributing Child Pornography

A 37-year-old Fridley man was sentenced yesterday in federal court in St. Paul for distributing more than 600 images of child pornography. United States District Court Judge Donovan W. Frank sentenced Matthew Eric Linngren to 180 months in prison on one count of distribution of child pornography. Linngren was indicted on September 10, 2009, and pleaded guilty on December 17, 2009.

In his plea agreement, Linngren admitted sending pictures of minors in sexually explicit poses to an Internet Yahoo group on October 20, 2005.

Following today’s sentencing, Ralph S. Boelter, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Minneapolis Office, said, “Through the Minnesota Cyber Crimes Task Force, the FBI, and U.S. Secret Service continue to investigate these types of predators as they utilize new technology to avoid detection. These investigations continue to be a priority within the FBI’s Cyber Crimes Program.”

The U.S. Department of Justice is committed to combating the sexual exploitation of children. Just two weeks ago it submitted to Congress the first-ever National Strategy for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction. That strategy seeks to strengthens many of the weapons already used in the fight against the proliferation of technology-based sexual exploitation crimes involving children. For example, the federal website established in 2006 as part of Project Safe Childhood, the initial national effort to address Internet-facilitated sex crimes against children, is being relaunched after being improved for better information sharing and crime reporting. The U.S. Marshals Service is launching an operation to locate and apprehend the 500 most dangerous, unregistered sex offenders in the country. And, the Justice Department is developing a national database that will allow federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies to deconflict their cases. For more information about Project Safe Childhood or this new Strategy, please visit

The case against Matthew Eric Linngren was the result of an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, an affiliate agency of the Minnesota Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, which is funded in large part by federal dollars awarded through Project Safe Childhood. The case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Richard Newberry and Michelle E. Jones.

If you go to the Department of Justice's Project Safe Childhood news section, you'll find numerous cases of child exploitation, pornography, abuse etc. as well as a public education campaign. This is one one of Project Safe Childhood 's PSA's from their You Tube channel:

Reporters need to ask Michele Bachmann who raised money for Bradlee Dean and said a prayer for Bradlee Dean's ministry if she shares Bradlee Dean's conspiracy theories about the FBI, DOJ and local law enforcement officials covering up crimes.

In other broadcasts, Bradlee Dean has called President Obama a "domestic enemy"

Bradlee Dean is a stalwart supporter of Tom Petters and has compared Tom Petters to Jesus.

Bradlee Dean has also called a recent U.S. Marshal appointment illegal because she is a lesbian.

In 2006, Bachmann attended a fundraiser in Minneapolis for Bradlee Dean's "ministry" and said this prayer for the ministry (more about Bachmann and YCRBYCH here):

During the 2008 campaign season, Michele Bachmann made an issue of Barack Obama's "associations" with Rev. Jeremiah Wright:

"Why isn’t it appropriate to ask about the formative relationships he’s had? The types of relationships that may have influenced Barack Obama’s views on public policy and on government decision making? Why is the media more intent on learning the type of plumbing license Joe the Plumber has than on exploring the obvious questions about Barack Obama’s formative relationships with people such as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers — people with views far outside the mainstream, where most voters find themselves?"

Why isn't the mainstream media asking the same questions about Bachmann's and Tom Emmer's "formative relationships " with Bradlee Dean and YCRBYCH?

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