Saturday, September 18, 2010


By Karl Bremer ©2010

After calling Star-Tribune writers Dennis Anderson, Ron Schara, and most of Minnesota’s sportsmens’ community liars earlier this week, Michele Bachmann now is implying that Associated Press Reporter Martiga Lohn is a liar also.

A statement posted on Bachmann’s campaign website by Bachmann Political Advisor Andy Parrish states:

Today Tarryl Clark issued a false and misleading email claiming among other things, that Michele Bachmann will not be in Minnesota this weekend. She falsely claimed Congresswoman Bachmann appeared on a presidential preference ballot at the Values Voters Summit, falsely claimed Congresswoman Bachmann was going to Miami this weekend and falsely claimed Congresswoman Bachmann is running for any office besides U.S. Representative for the great people of the Sixth Congressional District. Congresswoman Bachmann will be attending numerous events in the district this weekend including the Lake Elmo parade and is looking forward to meeting with her constituents.

If Clark is willing to maliciously spread false information about something as simple as Congresswoman Bachmann’s whereabouts – what else is she not telling the truth about?

However, Lohn filed an AP report on Friday that stated a Bachmann spokesman said Bachmann pulled out of the “Value Voters” presidential preference ballot on Friday.

A Minnesota Public Radio website post at 11:56 a.m. on Friday also stated Bachmann’s name was still on the straw poll ballot; the post was amended sometime after that.

And another AP story filed at 11:04 a.m. stated that “Bachmann is included in the group's straw poll of 2012 GOP presidential contenders”.

WorldNetDaily’s “Take Back America” conference website also contradicts Bachmann’s statement that Clark “falsely claimed Congresswoman Bachmann was going to Miami this weekend.”

The website shows Bachmann’s picture at the top of the list of speakers and the schedule shows her speaking at the Miami conference at 4:30 p.m. September 17. The schedule and Bachmann’s picture were still listed on the website on September 18. In addition, there is nothing on the WorldNetDaily “news” website to indicate a change in the schedule as of September 18.

The “false and misleading email” that Bachmann claims Clark sent was mailed at 10:35 a.m. Friday morning, when Bachmann clearly was still on the presidential preference poll and still on the Miami conference agenda.

DumpBachmann has requested a response from AP reporter Lohn.

Bachmann Political Advisor Andy Parrish did not return a request for an explanation of his statement on Bachmann’s campaign website.

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