Monday, September 27, 2010

Don't Count on Reapportionment

I have often heard the remark (and repeated it myself) that Michele Bachmann would likely lose her seat if the 2010 Census shows a decrease in Minnesota's population.

That may not not happen.

Reader "Lady" left us this comment:

Minnesota might not lose a congressional district. To me this means it is even more important that HRM Bachmann lose her job, because her job won't just be "eliminated". Know anyone who needs to reminded to vote, or perhaps a voter who might want to use an absentee ballot because they'll be out of district? Now is the time for action.

Lady points us towards this quote in a Politico article:

"In addition to the Florida and New York changes, the other major switch in the projected reapportionment is that Missouri will lose a House seat instead of Minnesota, "

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