Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Karl Rove and Michele Bachmann Part Ways on Delaware Anti-Masturbation Candidate

Bachmann tweets her support for Christine O'Donnell:

Congratulations Christine O'Donnell! CONSERVATIVE GOP nominee in Delaware!

Karl Rove does is not happy about Christine O'Donnell's victory:

Does Bachmann's support for anti-wanker candidate Christine O'Donnell mean the MN GOP is marching in lock-step in The War Against Wanking?. Minnesota is already home to an anti-masturbation millitia.

Check out the websites for Battle for Purity and the Purity Coalition

For a mere $5,000 you can become a two-star general in The War Against Wanking.

UPDATE: No wonder Bachmann supports Christine O'Donnel... she's practically a clone of Bachmann:

Truth Wins Out:

Christine O’Donnell, last night’s victorious Tea Party candidate for the GOP Senate nomination in Delaware, was a major supporter of “ex-gay” ministry when she ran the evangelical organization Savior’s Alliance for Lifting the Truth (SALT) in the late 1990s’.

Think Progress:

O'Donnell On Creationism: ‘Too Many People Are Blindly Accepting Evolution As Fact’

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