Thursday, September 9, 2010


This week has been an exhausting one for us New Yorkers. First we had Labor Day, then Rosh Hashanah, and now Fashion Week. That's right, it's only Thursday and all that stuff has already happened. How do we do it? Hello, we're New Yorkers- we live for this stuff.

Despite the commotion and constant plans, I find myself thinking more clear than ever and I can't help but reflect on my love for this city. It's around this time of year when the temperature in the city feels more like the country, birthdays are happening left and right (I'm talking about you, New Years babies!), and Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner. And as if we don't have enough to take care of in the present we find ourselves looking toward our future and it's looking pretty darn bright.

The city has come a long way since I used to take mother-daughter vacations as a kid. My mom and I would walk down the street with our purses on our inside shoulders and and our arms wrapped around each other. Bad things used to happen here, specifically in my neighborhood, and New York was, at times, a very scary place. I know that people, including myself, reflect on those times as "the good ole days", but I like how far we've come as a city. I love that small artists and designers still come here with the hopes of making it because it still does happen. I love that my cousin and her wife may have to explain to their child that they're gay because at the age of (almost) 7, nobody has pointed it out to him yet. I love that there are still good dive bars, live jazz and amazing cheap just have to look for them. I love that our sports teams are still the best and how people from all over the world travel here just to watch them play. And I love how despite how large this city grows, that during the holidays or even during a niche event like Fashion Week, you can feel the electricity. The light and energy radiates from every last person in the city and that's why people come here. They come to see what it's like to feel so alive, so passionate and so free- and that's also why they stay.

Happy New Year. Happy Fashion Week. Happy Life.

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