Monday, August 3, 2009

Bachmann: "Obamacare will cost 1 trillion." CBO: "No it won't."

Numbers don't lie, right?

But unfortunately, people lie about numbers. Michele Bachmann wrote that Obamacare would cost $1 trillion dollars. Where'd she get that number?

She didn't say. Maybe she got it from the Associated Press, who reported the following in an August 3rd story by Tom Raum:

...even the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says that none of the health plans pending on Capitol Hill would control long-term spending, and that ones with the elements Obama wants would add around $1 trillion to the deficit over the next 10 years.

The problem is that "even the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office" *didn't* say that at all:

"(The) CBO found that the House tri-committee bill would increase the federal budget deficit by $239 billion over 10 years -- not $1 trillion.

...that's from this article in MediaMatters, which goes on to explain that this particular falsehood is being spread like a wildfire. And the article names the people and new organizations that are spreading a phony story about the CBO estimate: "The Associated Press joins New York Times, Fox News Sunday, CNBC's Bartiromo, Fox News' Rove in advancing cost estimate falsehood." And Michele Bachmann joins those guys, spreading the cost estimate falsehood.

The same MediaMatters article links to the actual CBO cost estimate, released on July 17. If you want to read what the CBO actually said, not what Bachmann and company pretend that they said.

And the Pioneer Press, who printed Michele's trillion dollar falsehood? It looks as though they don't fact check this trillion dollar stuff; they just print it. Her word's good enough for them.

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