Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Michael Brodkorb speaks out on politicians who won't interact with the public to answer tough questions

Here's a video clip posted to YouTube by Dusty Trice. In the notes attached to his post, Trice points out that Brodkorb's remarks here could well apply to Michele Bachmann:

Ouch! I couldn't agree with Brodkorb more, on this one. Especially since I have "participated" in one of Michele Bachmann's famous "Tele-Town Hall meetings," where I spent about an hour on the line and didn't get to ask my "tough question" at all. (And I'm a constituent, remember.)

There are lots of Bachmann constituents who write in here and report a similar "Bachmann Tele-Town Hall" experience. In case you didn't know, these "tele-town hall meetings" are not town hall meetings at all. They're more like conservative talk radio, where Bachmann call screeners get to decide "which questions it's okay to ask."

The YouTube clip is short--maybe Brodkorb went on to add "unless you're Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, then it's okay to screen out tough questions from constituents."

But I doubt he went on to add that. So: since I hardly ever find myself in agreement with Mr. Brodkorb, it's pleasant to find out that we see eye-to-eye on whether or not Michele should run for office.

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