Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Michele Bachmann's Hydrocephalus Hypocrisy

Minn Post:

Michele Bachmann supports 'awareness' of hydrocephalus, but not funding needed for research
By Karl Bremer | Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2009

Rep. Michele Bachmann has gotten a lot of mileage out of her symbolic congressional legislation to designate September "National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month." However, her enthusiasm seems to stall when it comes to funding research for a cure for this brain disease. The 6th District Minnesota congresswoman has voted against federal research funds for hydrocephalus at every opportunity since she was elected in 2006.

Go read the whole thing.

Commenters reacted:

(#2) On August 4, 2009, Author Editor Richard Schulze says:
Perhaps the Congresswoman is taking a lesson from one of the previous Republican endeavors. "No Child Left Behind"
Wonderful concept, minimal follow through.(funding)

Ideology trumps action, wouldn't want to give a little to get a little. How would that look to the base?
(#3) On August 4, 2009, Author Editor Howard Miller says:
I wonder why Mrs Bachmann can't bring herself to support federal funding if she's such a good advocate for patients suffering from hydrocephalus?

She is a public legislator, not a private fund raiser. Great gains have been made through federally-sponsored research in all sorts of sciences;

I believe it hypocritical for her to claim to be an advocate, but then stand in the way of more resources to pursue answers to hydrocephalus through publicly funded research in her congressional voting.

Rather like family-values Republicans voting to deny extensions on unemployment insurance, which in it's absence will cause hardship and turmoil in families where members have lost work in this recession and can't yet find the next job .... some 4 million unemployed are so affected ...
(#4) On August 4, 2009, Author Editor Jim Camery says:
Keep after her, Karl. Her shortcomings go way beyond crazy pronouncements and posturing - her votes and actions have real consequences for people. 2010 could be a very good year.
(#5) On August 4, 2009, Author Editor Nancy Gertner says:
Hydrocephalus is not limited to juveniles. Head injuries can contribute to developing the condition.

Many military veterans have sustained head injuries, including young veterans with recent deployments to combat zones where IEDs cause many traumatic brain injuries that sometimes go undiagnosed.

Why would Congresswoman Bachmann want to promote awareness and then not fund research for medical conditions that she's so aware of??

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