Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Immelman: the voting patterns in the Sixth District, and why Bachmann gets elected

Aubrey Immelman is a political candidate opposing Michele Bachmann and a regular commenter here. Aubrey is a psychology professor and a member of the International Society of Political Psychology.

Immelman's analysis of voting patterns in Bachmann's district is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand why Bachmann gets elected, and for anyone who hopes to see her "dumped" in the next election.

When I say "must-read," I mean that candidates, campaign managers, political activists, reporters, editors, political bloggers and voters must read it to understand how congressional elections in the Sixth District work (or don't work.)

If you're a voter or a person interested in seeing Bachmann "dumped", reading Immelman's analysis will help you to decide which candidate you'll ultimately support or donate to. If you live outside our district, you'll begin to understand why it's so hard for people in the district to beat an extremist screwball and proven liar.

It's not just Immelman's opinions, it's the research that he bases his opinions on. Ignore his findings at your peril. And: it's brief. It packs a lot of hard information into a concise format.

Here is a one paragraph excerpt:

"The ceiling level of support for a Democratic candidate in terms of party-political affiliation in the 6th District in a best-case scenario is reflected in a SurveyUSA poll conducted October 20-21, 2008 in the immediate aftermath of incumbent U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann’s October 17 fiasco on MSNBC “Hardball” with Chris Matthews. In that poll, Democratic nominee Elwyn Tinklenberg led Bachmann 47 percent to 44 percent, with 6 percent support for unendorsed Independence Party (IP) candidate Bob Anderson and 2 percent undecided."

...and that's as good as it got for Democrats against Bachmann, in that race. The piece is full of facts like that; facts Bachmann opponents and election reporters need to know, going into the next race.

The piece can be read here. It is part one of a two part series by Immelman. The next part will be his analysis of the candidates in the race. (Aubrey has made a professional reputation for himself via his studies of prominent political personalities. It will be interesting to read his observations about Clark, Reed, etc.--especially given the fact that Aubrey himself has been a candidate in this race.)

Dave Mindeman of mnpACT! also has an analysis of voting patterns in the Sixth District. I didn't get as much out of it as Immelman's piece because it's mainly about the IP. The "Big E" over at MN Progressive project found Mindeman's analysis "brilliant" and it is interesting. But if you read Dump Bachmann you know that Mindeman is discussing things and making arguments that we've been discussing and making here for years. Interesting stats, though, if you like that sort of thing.

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